Jennifer López
She was born in the Bronx of New York
She has 31 years old
She is a singer, she sings pop music, she is a dancer and she’s famous
For that too
She’s good looking and pretty
She looks nice friendly
She’s married with marc Anthony
Jennifer López
She was born in the Bronx of New York
She has 31 years old
She is a singer, she sings pop music, she is a dancer and she’s famous
For that too
She’s good looking and pretty
She looks nice friendly
She’s married with marc Anthony
Hi, I m Estefania Velez, I’m seventeen years old , I m from Venezuela, Maracaibo exactly , I’m a student , I’m studying accounting in URBE. About my personality I’m nice and a little shy and friendly I’m a little short, I’m thin, I have a light brown skin, my eyes and my hair are brown.
In this picture I’m wearing a pink blouse, and gold earrings.